Quotes From the Show

  • Mel (to Buddy): Are you wearing makeup?"  Buddy: "Just a little. I have a blemish."  Mel: "You are a blemish!"

  • BUDDY: "Hey, here's something for Ritchie: a bathtub toy with a plastic fish in it."  ROB: "I think Ritchie's a little too old for plastic fish."  Sally: "I'll take it."  BUDDY: "I don't want to be personal, but aren't you old enough to bathe with real fish?"  SALLY: "It's not for me, it's for Mr. Henderson, my cat."  BUDDY: "Your cat eats plastic fish?"  SALLY: "It's a plastic cat."

  • Rob (to Mel): "How could you make a mistake like that?!"  Buddy: "Easy, it's hereditary.  Look at the mistake his parents made."

  • Buddy (to Mel): "Oh, wait a minute.  I'd like to thank you, Mel."  Mel: "For what?"  Buddy: "For leaving."

  • Rob (to Laura): "There's no time for that now."  Laura: "What are you doing?  What's the matter with you?"  Rob: "There's a 'G' Man in the living room."  Laura: "And there's a nut in the kitchen!"

  • Ritchie (to Laura): "Freddy and I are going to buy a dead rat."  Laura: "Ritchie, will you please tell me where you can buy a dead rat?!"  Ritchie: "Do you want one, mommy?"

  • Buddy (to Mel): "Don't feel so bad, Mel. You finally accomplished a great feat. You've got everybody hating you at the same time!"

  • Mel (to Buddy): "You know you couldn't be replaced?" Buddy: "Why not?" Mel: "Because I don't know what you are!!"

  • "There was something ageless with him. Probably 100,000 jokes in his head went with him." -- Dick Van Dyke on the death of Morey Amsterdam, the comic actor best known as the wisecracking television writer on "The Dick Van Dyke Show."

  • "Marriage, like a lot of other things, has boundaries and to some guys those boundaries represent walls and that makes marriage a prison to them but to other guys those boundaries hold everything that's good and fun in life." ##

  • Buddy (to Rob): "You keep that up and you'll end up on a hospital show!" #

# quote suggested by Kyle Hankins

## quote suggested by Dona Howell

  • Laura: "You wanna end up another Dwight Heatherton? Go ahead!" Rob: "Who's that?" Laura: "Dwight Heatheron happens to be an excellent writer who is unknown because he gets no publicity." Rob: "Then how do you know him?"

  • Laura: "Rob, let me ask you something. Are you doing this because you're afraid of Alan?" Rob: "No, I'm doing it because I respect Alan Brady. A man of his caliber has great firing power."

  • Sally: "Time to go home and feed Mr. Henderson." Buddy: "What kind of name is that for a cat?" Sally: "This coming from a man who has a wife named Pickles and a dog named Larry!"

  • Mel (to Buddy): "Yeecchh!"
  • Rob (to Laura): "...Washington said farewell to his troops in less time."

  • Alan: "Why didn't someone tell me? I would have worn my hair!"

  • Rob: "If it's food eat it. If it's a telephone number, call it!"

  • Rob (to Laura): "Three out of four doctors will tell you that the cupcake test is not always conclusive."

  • Rob: "Hominy grits!" Sally: "Oh, about forty or fifty."

  • Jerry (to Rob): "Listen, we can hug all you want at home, but on the boat, never touch me!"

  • Ritchie (to Rob): "I like Mommy's bananas better!"

  • Rob: "Laura, do you know that 1 out of every 50 million women has the wrong baby?" Laura: "That's a cute trick. How does she manage it?" Rob: "No...no. She doesn't have it while she's having it. It's after she has it that she has it."

  • Alan: "What do you suggest I do with all these toupees, now, huh?" Laura: "Well, Alan, there must be some needy bald people...."

  • Buddy (to Mel): "Your hair didn't fall out---it fell in and clouded your brain."

  • Buddy: "Hey, play the Minute Waltz." Sally (at the piano): "I only know half of it." Buddy: "Play it twice!"

  • Buddy (to Sally): "My mother-in-law is spending a month with us for a couple of days."

  • Rob: "It's like being Clark Kent" Laura: "Huh?" Rob: "You know you're Superman, but you can't tell anybody. I never realized how he must have felt. Can you imagine how many times in that booth he wanted to pick up the phone and say 'Hi! I'm Superman!'"

  • Rob (to Laura): "It just so happens that I know me better than you know me 'cause I'm with myself almost constantly"

  • Buddy: "Rob, I've done a lot of things in my life, but I've never Uhny Uftzed anybody!"

  • Laura: "Oh, Rob!"

  • Sally (to Rob): "You feel sick or something, or has your brain just ran out of ideas?"

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